- Location:
- East of Nogales
- Length:
- 14.5 miles (23.3 km)
- Difficulty:
- Intermediate
- Trailhead Elevation:
- 5700 feet
- Season:
- September - May
This portion of the Arizona Trail from Parker Canyon Lake to Canelo Pass provides scenic views of rolling grass hills, oak savannahs, mesquite groves and riparian canyons.
East of Nogales
14.5 miles (23.3 km)
Trailhead Elevation:
5700 feet
Northern Trailhead at 5350
Northern Trailhead at 5350
September - May
No Fee
Useful Map(s):
USGS: Mt. Hughes, O'Donnell Canyon, Canelo Pass, Huachuca Peak
Additional Details:
Heavily traveled trails used by illegal aliens cross or intersect this trail and can cause navigation to be difficult at times.
Map + Directions
Basic Directions
Southern Trailhead -
Parker Canyon Lake - FR 194
31.41959° N, 110.44178° W
From Sonoita, south on AZ highway 83 to FR 48, prior to reaching Parker Canyon Lake, turn left. Then 0.5 miles to FR 194 and turn right. Then 0.5 miles to the trailhead.
Northern Trailhead -
Canelo Pass - FR 799
31.51287° N, 110.55827° W
From Sonoita, south on AZ highway 83 approximately 17 miles to FR799 and turn right. Then four miles to the trailhead.
Parker Canyon Lake - FR 194
31.41959° N, 110.44178° W
From Sonoita, south on AZ highway 83 to FR 48, prior to reaching Parker Canyon Lake, turn left. Then 0.5 miles to FR 194 and turn right. Then 0.5 miles to the trailhead.
Northern Trailhead -
Canelo Pass - FR 799
31.51287° N, 110.55827° W
From Sonoita, south on AZ highway 83 approximately 17 miles to FR799 and turn right. Then four miles to the trailhead.